Gear Up!
Based mainly at the Boiler House in Moss Side, Manchester, but using other venues including the National Cycling Centre, the project will build on the successful Gear Up! project which ran in 2023 and will include more people from a wider demographic background.
The project will:
Offer discounted bike repairs to the local community. This is will be in the form of a voucher which will grant the holder a discount or free service in the Bike Workshop. Vouchers will be redeemable in the workshop with a limited number available each week.
Provide a drop in for young people in partnership with a local youth club where any young person can come after school and get their bike mended for free. This will be continue the open access Monday drop which we ran in partnership with Hideaway Project in where any young person can attend the Boiler House to get their bike mended, learn new skills if they want to and to access youth services.
Engage with a Volunteer Coordinator who will supervise and assist to train volunteers to create sustainability. This is a key role which will allow the Bike Workshop and Manchester Cycling Academy CIC to upscale and to grow its trading income improving financial sustainability.

Create volunteer resources including a training pack. This will provide those who attend with certificates to use in job applications and interview
Purchase more bike tools. These will be for use in the workshop and also for the community to use free of charge. Despite offering heavily discounted bike servicing and repairs we still find that many people are not able to afford to get their bike repaired. Having some tools available for community use on the exterior of the workshop will allow anyone to repair their own bike for free, even when the workshop is closed.
The project began on July 1st 2024 and run for 12 months until June 30th 2025.